First survey UENPS in Ethiopia
As part of the ‘Seed for Life’ project, UENPS has just conducted the first survey in Ethiopia on ‘Survey on Delivery Room Resuscitation and Neonatal Respiratory Care in NICUs in Ethiopia’, which has been distributed to a list of hospitals selected by the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH). The aim of the survey is to gain both an overall understanding of the level of care and the major challenges that these hospitals face in providing neonatal care. The survey is the first step of a broader project aimed at helping to improve neonatal care levels in Ethiopia.
Delivery Room Resuscitation in Europe
Survey on «Delivery Room Resuscitation in Europe» carried out in 2019-2020 with data collected on more than 1M newborns
Breastfeading Supportive Practices in European Hospitals during COVID-19 pandemic
Survey on «Breastfeading Supportive Practices in European Hospitals during COVID-19 pandemic», in collaboration with Boston Medical Center, CHEER, SIN, carried out in 2020-2021
Neonatal Respiratory Care in NICUs
Survey on «Neonatal Respiratory Care in NICUs» started in mid-February 2022 and closed at the end of July, more than 520 NICUs in 37 countries contacted (response rate ~70%)
Laryngeal Mask and Neonatal Resuscitation
Survey on «Laryngeal Mask and Neonatal Resuscitation» in collaboration with European Resuscitation Council (ERC), Italian Society of Neonatology (SIN), endorsed by ESPNIC and supported by EFCNI (more than 1 thousand healthcare professionals involved)