Our Webinars

Halls of knowledge

Following on UENPS’ mission to promote knowledge and achieve standards of care for every newborn, a division named UENPS Halls Knowledge has been established. The aim of this new structure is to gather all the experience and cultural activities developed throughout the years.

All the teaching and cultural activities carried out or under development were grouped in one place:
Europe-wide survey


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Survey on Delivery Room resuscitation in Europe


• To assess the current practice and the quality of care of term and preterm newborns in the DRs among UENPS members and friends
• To identify common points, differences and trends
• To give back to participating Countries precise information on delivery assistance in their own DRs, identifying strengths and weaknesses
• To organize specific training courses or webinars on neonatal resuscitation, free of charge, for those Countries or Institutions that are interested in improving
• To provide the starting point for a European collaborative network


The initiative is a cooperation between UENPS and the Italian Society of Neonatology (SIN) which designed the survey and provided its best experts who will analyse the results:


• The questionnaire is designed following the classic stages of neonatal resuscitation, including organizational (personnel and equipment) and epidemiological aspects
• It is addressed to Birth Centres of any level of perinatal care with at least 1.000 deliveries per year
• For Countries with many Birth Centres (i.e. Russia) a statistical support will be provided to help in choosing a representative sample
• Birth Centers will need about 30 minutes to complete the questionnaire
• The data provided by each hospital will be covered under the privacy policy of UENPS Society; it will be used to draw up results, and then it will be made anonymous before publication


• General information; Before birth (equipment, resuscitation team, briefing); UC management; Temperature; Airways; Ventilation; Circulation; Medication; Ethics; Documentation (after resuscitation); Education; Additional questions for Centres who care for infants with GA <33 weeks


• UENPS aims to help in improving National and European standards of neonatal care, through its outreach education “philosophy”
• UENPS considers important to share best practice
• The results of the Survey will be presented at next UENPS International Conference in Rome, November 18-21, 2020
• All the Birth Centers that will support the survey will have a free registration to the Congress for one of the staff members


best practice in neonatology on respiratory care

UENPS and Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome invite you to our new webinars. The first session is 5 modules on Respiratory Care.
Scientific Director: Prof. Corrado Moretti
Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Gianluca Lista

Special Chapter on Oxygenation. Chaired by: Prof. Corrado Moretti (Italy), Prof. Gianluca Lista (Italy), Prof. Josef Neu (USA)

February 25th, 2021 from 2 PM to 4 PM CET
Introduction, Historical aspects, basics - Prof. Ola D. Saugstad (Norway)
Oxygenation during resuscitation - Prof. Max Vento (Spain)
Impact of SpO2 the first 10 minutes of life - Prof. Julee Oei (Australia)
Bradycardia and SpO2 in the delivery room as prognostic factors - Prof. Vishal Kapadia (USA)
Oxygenation beyond the delivery room - Prof. Satyan Lakshminrusimha (USA)

To register: click here

Module 1: Delivery room Management. Chaired by: Prof. Ola D. Saugstad, University of Oslo, Norway

May 21, 2020, 2 PM CEST - Delivery Room Ventilatory Management of preterm infant with respiratory failure. Prof. Gianluca Lista, Milan, Italy. Ospedale dei Bambini "V.Buzzi" ASST-FBF-Sacco.
May 22, 2020, 2 PM CEST - Physiology of transition. Prof. Arjan te Pas, Leiden, the Netherlands Leiden University Medical Center.
May 24, 2020, 2 PM CEST - Management of asphyxiated term infant. Prof. Georg Schmolzer, Edmonton, Canada University of Alberta.

Look all the videos and documents of this webinar: click here

Module 2: Surfactant and non-invasive ventilation. Chaired by: Prof. Ola D. Saugstad, University of Oslo, Norway

June 16, 2020, 2 PM CEST - Surfactant Replacement Therapy Prof. Virgilio Carnielli - Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy
June 19, 2020, 2 PM CEST - Non-Invasive Respiratory Support Prof. Bradley A. Yoder - University of Utah School of Medicine, USA
June 23, 2020, 2 PM CEST - Non-Invasive Ventilation Prof. Corrado Moretti, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Dr. Camilla Gizzi, “San Giovanni Calibita” Hospital, Fatebenefratelli - Isola Tiberina, Rome, Italy

Look all the videos and documents of this webinar: click here

Module 3: Mechanical ventilation of the newborn. Chaired by: Prof. Ola D. Saugstad, University of Oslo, Norway

July 14,2020 - 2 PM Cest - Interaction between the premature infant and the ventilator Nelson Claure - University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
July 15,2020 – 2 PM CEST - Conventional Mechanical Ventilation of the newborn with RDS: a tailored approach Martin Keszler
July 16,2020 – 2 PM CEST - High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation: what’s new? Manuel Sanchez Luna - Hospital General Universitario “Gregorio Marañon”, Madrid, Spain

Look all the videos and documents of this webinar: click here

Module 4: Pharmacological and hemodynamic support - Chaired by: Prof. Ola D. Saugstad, University of Oslo, Norway

September 15,2020 - 2 PM Cest - Pulmonary hypertension of the newborn: pathophysiology and management" Prof. Satyan Lakshminrusimha - UC Davis Children's Hospital, Sacramento CA, United States
September 16,2020 - 2 PM Cest - Ancyllary therapy for management of neonatal respiratory failure: caffeine, systemic and inhaled steroids” Prof. Anup Katheria - Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns, San Diego CA, United Stated
September 17,2020 - 2 PM Cest - Hemodynamic assessment: Cardiorespiratory interactions in NICU” Prof. Martin Kluckow - The University of Sidney, Sidney, Australia

Look all the videos and documents of this webinar: click here

Module 5: Chronic lung disease - Chaired by: Prof. Ola D. Saugstad, University of Oslo, Norway

December 16,2020 - 2 PM Cet - BPD definition, pathophysiology and prevention “ Prof. Eduardo Bancalari - University of Miami Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, United States
December 17,2020 - 2 PM Cet - “Treatment of the infant with severe BPD “ Prof. Daniele De Luca - Director, Associate Professor – Hauts de Seine, Ile de France
December 18,2020 - 2 PM Cet - “Long term respiratory follow-up of BPD infants” Prof. Anne Greenough - King’s Health Partners Academic Health Science Centre, London, United Kingdom

Look all the videos and documents of this webinar: click here

In order to guarantee the best quality, the webinars will be limited to 2000 participants.
Available on first-come, first-served basis.
Upon finalising the regsitration you will receive a confirmation letter with instructions and link to connect to webinar.
You will receive a certificate of attendance after completing a questionnaire.


Session 1: BASIC VIROLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY, AND HOST VIRUS INTERACTIONS. Thursday October 15, from 5 pm to 7.45 pm CEST

Chairs: Richard Condit, USA Department of Molecural Genetics & Microbiology, College of Medicine, University of Florida. Introduction: 10 minutes

1.Coronavirus biology - Mattiew B Frieman, USA. Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland (30 minutes)
2. SARS-CoV-2 Pathogenesis - Lisa Gralinski, USA. Gillings School of Global Public Health (UNC), Chapel Hill, North Carolina (30 minutes)
3. Fundamental mechanisms of the placental barrier to maternal-fetal transmission of viruses - Carolyn Coyne, USA. Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (30 minutes)
Panel discussion:
The genetic heterogenicity of SARS-CoV-2: research methods and applications. Antonino Di Caro, Italy National Institute for Infectious Diseases "Lazzaro Spallanzani", Rome, Italy (5 minutes)
• Richard Condit
• Matthew Frieman
• Lisa Gralinski
• Carolyn Coyn

To view the webinar: click here


Chairs: Richard Polin, USA Columbia Columbia University Medical Center; NYC; Ola D Saugstad, Norway (TBC) Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo. Introduction: 10 minutes

1. Transmission of disease to the mother and foetus - Manuel Sanchez Luna, Spain Neonatology Division and NICU at Hospital General Universitario “Gregorio Marañon” Madrid (20 min). Marian Knight, United Kingdom National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, Universi-ty of Oxford, Oxford (20 min)
2. Infection Prevention and Control Challenges for Obstetrics and Neonates: lesson learned from Interdisciplinary Teams of Obstetrics and Pediatrics. - Lisa Saiman, USA Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, Columbia University Medical Center, New York-Presbyterian (20 min)
3. Transmission from mother to the newborn after birth----does there need to be sepa-ration? - Riccardo Davanzo, Italy. Maternal and Child Health Institute, IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Trieste (20 min)
4. Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome related to COVID-19 in children and adoles-cents. - Steven G. Kernie, USA Department of Pediatrics, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York (20 min)
Panel discussion: (45 minutes)
Short communications from Norway, USA and Brazil (15 minutes)

Why COVID-19 is less severe among children?
Claus Klingenberg

Division of Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine, University Hospital of North Norway and Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health Science, University of Tromsø – Norway’s Arctic university, claus.klingenberg@unn.no (5 Minutes)
Preliminary Data from the Perinatal COVID-19 National Registry on In-Hospital Infection
Mark Hudak
Department of Pediatrics, University of Florida-Jacksonville, USA (5 minutes)
The Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil: viewpoint of the obstetrician.
Eduardo Sergio Valerio Borges da Fonseca
Dpt of Obst & Gynecology, Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil (5 minutes)
Richard Polin
Manuel Sanchez Luna
Marian Knight
Lisa Sailam
Riccardo Davanzo
Steven Kernie
(30 minutes)

To view the webinar: click here

Session 3: HEALTH AND SOCIAL ASPECTS OF COVID 19 PANDEMIC: A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE. Thursday October 29, from 5 pm to 7.45 pm CET

Chairs: Neena Modi, Imperial College, London. Introduction: 10 minutes

1. Facing the pandemic in neonatal, perinatal and pediatric field: experience from different countries. Representatives from:
India: Ranjan Kumar Pejaver. FRCP,FRCPCH(UK) ,Professor of Neonatology,Bangalore,India. President elect, National Neonatology Forum of India
Russia: Marina Degtyareva (Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University Moscow)
Sweden: Iars Naver (Neonatologist, Karolinska Institutet)
Israel: Samuel Zangen (Neonatology, Barzilai University Medical Center, Ashkelon)
USA: Mark Hudak (Department of Pediatrics, University of Florida-Jacksonville, USA) (50 minutes; 8 minutes/speaker)
2. What are the major family and school issues and what can be done about them. - Giorgio Tamburlini, Italy -Centro Salute del Bambino, Trieste (20 minutes)
3. Lesson from the current pandemic, how can we best work together to manage the next challenge?
• Viewpoint of the economist. Gabriella Conti, United Kingdom University College London-UCL (20 minutes)
• Pandemics and global health Stefano Vella, Global Health, Catholic University, Rome (20 minutes)

Umberto Simeoni, Switzerland - FIMPP - The International Foundation for Maternal Periconceptional and Peri- Neonatal
Giuseppe Buonocore, Italy - UENPS, Union of European Neonatal and Perinatal Societies
Elie Saliba, France - EAPM European Association of Perinatal Medicine
Charles C. Roehr, United Kingdom - ESPR – European Society for Pediatric Research
Silke Mader, Germany, EFCNI – European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants + chair+ speakers

To view the webinar: click here

Organizing Commitee (OC)

Prof. Corrado Moretti
Emeritus Consultant in Paediatrics, University of Rome, President of UENPS (Union of European Neonatal and Perinatal Societies)

Prof. Josef Neu
Department of Pediatrics, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, Florida, USA

Prof. Richard Condit
Department of Molecural Genetics & Microbiology, College of Medicine, University of Florida

Dr. Riccardo Davanzo
Neonatologist, Maternal and Child Health Institute, IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Trieste, Technical Panel on Breastfeeding, MOH, Rome, Italy


Education, research and quality in perinatal assistance

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