Union of European
Neonatal & Perinatal

UENPS is a scientific society comprised of European Neonatal and Perinatal National Societies dedicated to the well-being of infants, children and mothers. We reject any form of violence, terrorism, or war that threatens their lives or harms their health.

UENPS reaffirms its strong commitment to peace.

UENPS is a scientific society comprised of 38 European Neonatal and Perinatal National Societies dedicated to the well-being of infants, children and mothers. We reject any form of violence, terrorism, or war that threatens their lives or harms their health.

UENPS reaffirms its strong commitment to peace.

Latest News

Press releases, news and articles by UENPS and its National Societies


Perinatal Science International

The global meeting for perinatal research

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Seed for life

International Workshop on Neonatal Care ...

UENPS is proud to be a partner in the project ...

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38th Fetus as a Patient Congress

Perinatal, fetal, and neonatal medicine is quickly ...

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We represent more
than 14,000 healthcare

Our members

UENPS is one of the partners of The European Standards of Care for Newborn.

Our aims

We promote the
best healthcare
for newborns

We promote the knowledge of the perinatal indicators and we develop any other tool to achieve the best healthcare for every newborn. It’s important for us to develop recommendations, guidelines, training of the healthcare providers and any other tool to achieve surveillance of neonatal rights wherever they are born.

About us

Halls of Knowledge

Following on UENPS’ mission to promote knowledge and achieve standards of care for every newborn, a division named UENPS Halls Knowledge has been established. The aim of this new structure is to gather all the experience and cultural activities developed throughout the years.

More details

Official Journal of UENPS

Affiliated Journal


Fetal and Neonatal Research

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Reports and

In this section you will find all the publications, reports and studies carried out in the course of our workshops in the medical, scientific and cultural fields. Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development.


Education, research and quality in perinatal assistance

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