Our Projects

Help Support Medical Care of Newborns in Ukraine

Together with Project, the Union of European Neonatal and Perinatal Societies (UENPS) launches its campaign this year to support the Neonatus Foundation in its mission to inspire, organize, finance and support activities aimed at improving the deteriorating conditions of medical care for a newborn baby, most especially in all territories affected by armed conflicts and inadequate health security where every newborn and their families need our support even more.

UENPS already donated 10,000 EUR to Neonatus Foundation Neonatus

Through this initiative, 5% of UENPS Congress individual registrations will be directly donated to support Neonatal Care in Ukraine.

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The project is in collaboration with



Neonatus Foundation


The goals of the Neonatus Foundation are carried out by:

  • Raising the level of medical knowledge in the field of neonatology by organizing trainings, courses and seminars,
  • Acquiring equipment, medical apparatus and materials necessary for diagnostic, therapeutic and scientific purposes in Neonatal Departments,
  • Supporting scientific research in the field of neonatology and related sciences, aimed at promoting activities to protect the health of premature babies and newborns,
  • Establishing and maintaining relations with foreign organizations in order to gain knowledge and exchange experiences in the field of neonatology,
  • Supporting and financing participation in domestic and foreign training of doctors and students in order to broaden the knowledge and experience of the above-mentioned persons and to raise the level of medical care for newborns and premature babies
Watch the video

Register & Join the mission

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Trustees of UENPS - for Neonatus:

Prof. Corrado Moretti

UENPS President


Prof. Ryszard Lauterbach

President of Polish Neonatal Society


Prof. Ola D. Saugstad

UENPS Congress Scientific Board Chairperson


How is UENPS & helping the Neonatus Foundation

100% of the amount to be collected will be forwarded to the Neonatus Foundation, and will be used to finance medical care for newborn babies in Ukraine and other territories affected by armed conflicts and inadequate health security.

At the end of the campaign, a fully transparent record will be published on the webpage, UENPS website, and Neonatus Foundation website.


Education, research and quality in perinatal assistance

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