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“Neonatology” official journal
Neonatology is now the official journal of UENPS. We have reached an important agreement with Karger that involves all National Societies members of UENPS.
Exclusive Benefits for Direct UENPS members
Direct UENPS members, including UENPS Executive Board, UENPS Scientific Board, Presidents of the National Societies, are entitled to exclusive benefits such as:
- free online access to Neonatology
- free publication in Neonatology
- 50% discount on Open Access publication
If you are a direct member of UENPS and need further information, please write to secretariat[at]
Additional Benefits for members of National Societies
Under the umbrella agreement between UENPS and Karger, each National Society member of UENPS has the option to participate in the agreement and receive certain member benefits.
Please ask the President of your National Society if you are interested in taking advantage of this agreement.